Do you want to know how a 200 year old cellar and more than a 150 year old black kitchen look like? Have you ever eaten a »krhljak« and have drunk »krhljevka«? Do you know where Bajdinški falls and the heart relic are?

All this and more you will be able to get to know about at the one day trip (from 9 am till 8 pm), when we take you through the village of Gradež and its surroundings. You will be able to enjoy the green and calm environment and also get to know the heritage of our ancestors:

  • sightseeing tour: fruit drying house, black kitchen, old cellar, stone houses, wooden granary, old wells, chapels and hayracks, a hayrack with a museum of old tools and equipment, a beehive on display, the house of Marij Kogoj
  • learning about the history and old customs of this area
  • degustation of homemade food
  • guided walk to a viewing point on Gora, which the locals call Ahac – the church is named after a saint on whose name day (June 22th, 1593) Andrej Turjaški beat the Turcs at Sisak
  • walk to the picturesque Bajdinški falls
  • path to the castle of Turjak and past the chapel with a tomb and an interesting relic – the heart of a 23 year old count Hanno Auersperg of Turjak, who according to a legend, died of a broken heart and unfulfilled love for a village girl
  • archery if planned in advance
  • workshop of country chores in Gradež (wooden toothpicks, making by hands, basket weaving, planting of field plants …)
  • group preparation of dinner with the locals


  • duration of the programme: from 9 am till 8 pm
  • time of programme: all year round (if arranged in advance)
  • type of programme: a leisurely walk around the village and its surroundings, a more demanding, four hours walk on a marked path
  • Arrangement at least one day ahead

Estimated price list (changes are possible due to the old 5 day long programme – link)

  • guided tour of Gradež with a degustation (from 9 am till 11.30): 8 EUR/person
  • evening gathering with a degustation of local food (from 6 pm till 8 pm): 10 EUR/person
  • country workshop in Gradež: 10 EUR/person
  • local guided tour (Gradež-Ahac-Turjak-Gradež): 40 EUR/group
  • archery workshop: 50 EUR/group

Depending on your wishes, lunch, accommodation and transportation can be organised. You can also choose a programme that lasts for more days – večdnevni program (a five day long learning programme about the monuments of Velike Lašče and Dobrepolje).