This year, we moved our event Evening in the village to Friday, June 21, because the firemen from Turjak had a party on the announced Saturday. Krheljčki and choir Potoški fantje were performing.  

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Friday evening in the village

This year, we moved our event Evening in the village to Friday, June 21, because the firemen from...

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Excursion to Zasavje

On Saturday, June 1st, 23 of our members took part in a professional social excursion to Zasavje....

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The 16th exhibition of nativity scene

Our association prepared the 16th exhibition of nativity scenes in the hidden corners of Gradež....

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This year we also succeeded...

On Sunday, September 17, we prepared both events with the great effort of all members and many...

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Boris Zore received the praise of the mayor

At the ceremonial academy in Veliki Lašče on the municipal holiday, our member Boris Zore received the...

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Excursion to Kočevska and border Croatia

On Saturday, June 3, a good quarter of us members of the Association for Preserving Heritage from...

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Celebration of spring 2023

This year, the members of our association held the Celebration of Spring on April 30. Despite the...

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Three spring workshops

Our association organized three free workshops for children (and parents) in the fruit drying room.

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At the Alpe-Adria fair 2023

Our association presented itself as part of the Tourist Association of Slovenia at the 33rd...

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Masks on Gradež 2023

On Saturday, February 18, 2023, masks were walking around Gradež again. In the morning, the...

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